Glen Reads Books (to you)
Where Glen Nuzzles reads to you, and you enjoy it

‘The Empire of the Necromancers’ by Clark Ashton Smith

We learn:

  • My God, did I just find an author that isn’t human garbage?
  • AGAIN with the sci-fi names!
  • I wanted to keep this gentle author separate from all the others by reading in a closet.

Go on, read it for yourself:

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Your bedtime story read aloud for grown ups.

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'The Fearsome Touch of Death’ by Robert E. Howard

‘A Bottomless Grave’ by Ambrose Bierce

'Beyond Lies the Wub' by by Phillip K. Dick

'Hellflower' by George O. Smith CH 21 & 23

'Hellflower' by George O. Smith CH 19 & 20

'Hellflower' by George O. Smith CH 17 & 18

'The Rise of the Crimson Claus' by Chat GPT

'Hellflower' by George O. Smith CH 15 & 16