Glen Reads Books (to you)
Where Glen Nuzzles reads to you, and you enjoy it
'The Eyes Have It' and 'Beyond the Door' by Philip K. Dick

Two short stories from the early days of Phillip K. Dick's career (before he got good)

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapters 11 and 12

A non-eventful conclusion for non-eventful book... but at least it stayed consistently 'cute' all the way through.

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapter 10: 'The Great Election in Missinaba County'

Mr. Smith makes a comeback... and it's STILL a boring chapter

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapter 9: 'The Mariposa Bank Mystery'

With a chapter title like that, you wouldn't think that it would be a 'hilarious take' on suicide

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapter 8: 'The Fore-ordained Attachment of Zena Pepperleigh and Peter Pupkin'

The story of a young man navigating his way through a minefield of love... Still.

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapter 7: 'The Extraordinary Entanglement of Mr. Pupkin'

The story of a young man navigating his way through a minefield of love.

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapter 6: 'The Beacon on the Hill'

The pastor is ready to resign because he can't pay the debt for the new church. But bloop! The church burns down and all the problems are solved. God does it again.

'Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town' by Stephen Leacock - Chapter 5: 'The Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa'

Someone gets the bright idea to use local businessmen to raise money (for the new church?) and the town is so small that there isn't anyone to squeeze money from when everyone gets involved. Adorable.